Solutions for Noisy Neighbours

Having a noisy neighbour can be a really upsetting experience. At one end of the scale, noisy neighbours can prevent you enjoying simple things in your home - listening to music, reading a magazine or just watching a DVD can become difficult. At the other end of the scale, noisy neighbours can stop you sleeping, preventing you getting a good night's rest which can affect other areas of your life. Some noisy neighbours behave not just inconsiderately, but also antisocially - with bullying, threats and intimidation.

Being subject to excessive unwanted noise from external sources can be damaging to your psychological health. Relaxing is made difficult; and being able to unwind can become impossible as you become irritable, on edge and stressed out. No one should have to experience this kind of thing in their own home.

The kind of noise which can have these effects comes in many forms - hifi systems being played too loud, TVs on high, domestic arguments, do-it-yourself noise, furniture scraping on floors, doors being slammed, ball games being played, pet noises, and even just people stomping heavily as they walk around their property. Although many of these things may seem innocuous, and we often prevent ourselves from taking action for that very reason, the fact is that if the noise is disturbing, high volume and ongoing, it can be considered a nuisance and something should be done about it.

What can be done?

Creating lots of noise is not an immediate offence in the United Kingdom, although depending on certain factors, it can become that way. When you are under stress from noisy neighbours, it may seem desirable to get the authorities involved - but before doing so, it is worth considering a less drastic course of action to try to preserve relations with your neighbours. There are things that can be done to try to get the calm you should have in your home before escalating the situation to involve the authorities.

The Personal Touch

Asking your neighbour initially is a good method of solving the problem. It seems obvious, but the personal touch will often endear your neighbour and make them realise the error of their actions. If you plan to approach your noisy neighbour, it is important to think about what you are saying so as not to sound too defensive or to seem like you are attacking them. Always be polite - you may find that they had no idea they were causing a nuisance! If you are friendly and affable, you will likely find that they will stop making the noise and relations will remain cordial. This is important to maintaining your community's cohesion, and to reducing tension between neighbours.

What if you don't know the neighbour?

Without becoming classist, you may live in an area where neighbours who you don't know are perfectly approachable. But more often than not, nuisance noise from neighbours occurs in areas where people tend not to have much community relations, and where the likelihood of antisocial behaviour is muck greater. In the case of such neighbours, it is worth posting a letter through their door, without your name or address, but again, at this stage the letter should follow the guidelines set out above. Be friendly and polite, even though you are being anonymous. This is a good method to use if you live in an apartment block with lots of properties - the offending neighbour will have no idea who sent the letter.

Safety First

Lots of people live in a state of tension with their neighbours, and perhaps even fear. If you feel there is a possibility that your neighbours could retaliate to any complain you make, then do not approach them. As mentioned above, nuisance noise often occurs in less well-off areas, and statistically speaking, antisocial behaviour is likewise much more likely. If you are worried about the type of people your neighbours are, it is better not to make contact and to allow the authorities to deal with the situation. It is their duty, after all - and you are under no duty to put yourself at risk to help the community. Remember if you find yourself subject to threats, intimidation or bullying, you should contact your local police station - and always dial 999/911 if you feel genuinely alarmed or scared about your neighbour's behaviour.

Keep Records

If you do decide to involve your local authority, you should create a record of evidence before you contact them. This way they can deal with your complaint more efficiently since they have proof of the disturbance over a period of time. Note down the type of disturbance, the time it happened and how long it went on for.

Solutions to nuisance neighbours

Being informed is the best way to tackle noisy neighbours.

- make personal contact with your noisy neighbour, if you feel comfortable doing so. Be polite and friendly - remember, they might have no idea they were disturbing you!

- if you do not know them or you would prefer to remain anonymous, post a letter though their door. Again, be polite and friendly.

- if you plan to contact your local authority, first collect some evidence. Note down the time, duration and type of nuisance your neighbours are creating. This will allow the authorities to deal with your complaint quicker.

- STAY SAFE. If you are worried, do no approach your nuisance neighbours. If you think they are likely to become (more) antisocial, then call the police before putting yourself at risk.


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How to Deal With Noisy Neighbours

Noisy neighbours are the number one annoyance to many homeowners and in our increasingly overpopulated island the problem is only getting worse. With more old houses being converted into flats, and new-builds often suffering from thin walls or very little separation between properties, it's incredibly common to hear some sort of noise from your neighbours.

When this is just the occasional ring of a phone or slamming of a door it's quite bearable and you can count yourself lucky this is all you have to contend with. Even if you have completely normal neighbours you could still be subject to their conversations, what they're watching on TV, the sound of their footsteps on wooden floors or even the crying of a baby in the middle of the night. All these ordinary, day-to-day noises become grating if you're constantly subjected to them. You feel like you're being subjected to someone else's life, or that your own life is being intruded upon. Especially annoying is noise when you're trying to sleep - this can disrupt the rest of your day and even affect your quality of health.

So assuming your neighbours are only noisy because of the quality of accommodation you're in (they're not doing anything excessive) what exactly can you do about it? It's one thing to want them to stop playing loud music but all they're doing is flushing the toilet in the middle of the night and waking you up!

Your neighbours may not even be aware of the problem. Or they might even find *you* noisy! If there's an easy solution, for example for them not to wear high heels indoors or to turn get a different alarm clock it's worth just going round and having a chat. Be friendly and make sure they know it's nothing they're doing wrong. After all, if you can hear them chances are they can hear you too. Ask if there's anything you can do to keep your noise down - have you ever used your washing machine late at night?

If you live in rented accommodation, especially if all the flats in your building are rented, talk to your landlord. They have to ensure that your property is properly insulated. Ask other residents if they feel there's a problem too - you could get the building sound tested to see if it complies with regulations. Of course, some landlords are more sympathetic than others. If your landlord has insulated as well as they have to, the onus is back on you and your own feelings about the noise.

Sometimes installing your own sound insulation is the quickest and possibly even only solution. It doesn't necessarily have to be expensive, but you should get an expert to look at your property first. For example, you might think you should insulate the wall between your house and the next but the sound might actually be coming in beneath the floorboards! A professional will be able to tell you the best solution.


Florida Parenting Plans - Child Support Issues to Consider

Florida law requires Parenting Plans for all divorcing couples with children starting October 1, 2008. Florida law divides parenting issues into three categories: parental responsibility, time sharing and support. This article examines the support section of a parenting plan.

Both parents have a legal requirement to support their children, regardless of the parents' marital status. Florida has a formula to calculate child support in Florida Statute 61.30. The calculation involves using the total of both parents' net monthly incomes and the chart in Florida Statute 61.30, to find the "guideline amount" of child support. This is the amount the court will presume is correct. It is the total amount that will be apportioned between the parents based on their incomes.

Using the guidelines number, the percent each parent contributes toward the whole monthly amount is determined by dividing that parent's net monthly income into the total income for both parents. Each parent is then responsible for his or her percentage share of the total monthly child support amount. If one parent is paying more than his or her share, the difference is eliminated with a cash payment from the parent paying less than his/her share.

Once the guideline amount and appropriate percentages are calculated, you will need to consider some other items.

First, you must add 75% of the cost of child care due to employment. Effective October 1, 2008, the child care percentage increases to 100%. You must also add the cost of health insurance actually being paid for the child and any on-going monthly medical care costs not covered by insurance. This is all done on page 2 of the child support guideline worksheet.

Next, is the guideline amount appropriate for your child? You can go up or down 5% from the guideline amount without court approval. If you want to change the amount more than 5%, the court must approve the change based on specific reasons that are in your child's best interest.

The amount must be reduced if the child spends at least 3 nights per week with the other parent. The law has a formula for making that reduction. Recent changes to the law require child support be calculated according to the actual number of overnights the child has with each parent starting October 1, 2008. The new law specifically says that an order for 50/50 time sharing can include payment of child support.

Third, what events will end child support? The recent changes to the law added these termination-of-support events:

Child emancipation (turning 18, getting married or an order of emancipation)

Child dies

Child joins the military

If you want these, or any other events, to automatically terminate child support, you must include a provision for that in your parenting plan. Otherwise, the paying parent must return to court to obtain a reduction order.

If you have more than one child, what happens to support payments when the older child turns 18? Will you recalculate the amount or reduce the payment by a certain amount automatically?

Also remember that if you have a child with special needs who will remain dependent past the age of 18, the court can order continuing support be paid after the age of 18. The same is true if your child is still in high school, but expected to graduate by age 19.

If your child will attend college, what happens to the child support payment? Will cash support payments continue during college or will the parent pay college costs in lieu of cash payment to the other parent. Is there an agreement for both parents to contribute to a pre-paid tuition account? What is included in college costs, if the parents agree to pay them?

Fourth, how will other child-related expenses be split? Will the parents share the costs according to their income percentages or split evenly? Who will provide the children's health insurance? How will the other parent be informed about these costs? How long will he or she have to pay his or her share? Will payment be waived if there is not timely notification? Is there any other agreement about costs contained in your parenting plan? For instance, if one parent has assumed all costs of religious school, does that parent receive any type of credit for paying those religious school costs?

Fifth, will there be an Income Deduction Order immediately? If not, under what situations will a delayed IDO become active? Because children and parents depend on child support, you may want a delayed order to become active if payments are more than 15 days late. Of course, you will have to return to court to activate the order unless there is language in the order itself that permits it to be sent to the other parent's employer "without further order of court."

Finally, will the parent making the cash payment be required to have life insurance to secure his or her child support obligation? The court can require life insurance if the cost of the insurance is reasonable. Of course, the chances of becoming disabled are much higher than for death. While disability insurance is not something a court can order, if there is an existing policy that is reasonably-priced, think about a requirement to maintain that policy as long as child support is being paid.

While both parents are legally required to support their children, there are other expenses you should consider for the benefit of your children. Think about the future and the possible events that will occur in your family. Calculating the basic child support obligation is only one part of child support. Include all the provisions you need to support your children in your new Florida parenting plan.


Oklahoma Custody Agreements and Parenting Plans - Highlights From the Law

Custody laws in Oklahoma are found in Title 43 in the Oklahoma statutes. All of these laws are important for divorced or separating parents to now, and there it is particularly essential that parents learn the guidelines from the state about making the custody agreement. In order for this plan to be accepted by the state, it must contain all of the necessary information and the parents must follow the proper procedures. Here are some highlights from the law concerning parenting plans.

1. Awarding of custody. Section 109 in Title 43 details how the state awards custody of the children. This is a big part of the parenting plan, and parents must figure out how they will arrange custody. Custody will be awarded according to what is in the best physical, moral, and mental interest of the child. Either parent may be awarded custody, or joint custody can be awarded. The state gives no preference to either parent because of gender.

2. Parenting plan. Section 109, Part D requires that the court have a final plan concerning custody matters. This plan, often called a parenting plan or custody agreement, is made based on the plan submitted by the parents. If the mother and father are able to agree on the plan, they can submit one jointly that the court will consider. If they are not able to work together, each parent should submit a proposed plan and the court will look at both ideas.

3. Joint custody. If either parent wants to have a joint custody arrangement, that parent must file a plan that shows how the parents will share custody and control of the children. The mother and father can submit an agreement together, or the parents can file separate plans. The plan needs to detail the physical living arrangements of the child, child support obligations, medical and dental care for the child, school placement, visitation rights, and anything else the parents want to include. The court can terminate joint custody at any time if either parent requests it, or if the court finds it isn't in the best interest of the child. A new plan detailing the custody arrangements will then be made.


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How to Increase Sales of Your WebDesign Company

There are various tips that can be used to increase the sale of a company; some of them can be implemented in the design stages of thesites while others are only implemented after thesite has been launched. The first thing to look into when coming up with thesite is the appearance of thesite, with most of thesites it is important that a professional approach be used. It is common for most customers to rely on professionally lookingsites for their webdesign services as opposed to shady lookingsites.

Optimizing thesite is the other aspect that can be used to increase sale on the webdesignsites. In most cases the search engine is the most used tool in searching for results in a given condition and this involves the webdesign services. Search engine optimization is one of the most common methods that is used to attract traffic o onessite, in addition to the search engine optimization search engine marketing can also be used to ensure that the webdesignsite features in lots of searches involving the subject, usually the marketing allows thesite to be ranked higher in standings making it asite that is easily visited online.

Free bites also attract customers tosites and in webdesign company ites it should be the same. Providing the user base with free instructions, information and advice is one of the tricks that one can use to attract users tosites and if the users require services in webdesign the chances are that they will easily contact the company for such services.

A sample trial is one of the products that should be provided in the webdesign company's site to show the users what they expect from the company. Usually this method of campaigning attracts lots of individuals to the site and due to the show case the site attracts the attention of site owners and when used together with SEO it's a great marketing tool.

There are various tips that can be used to increase the sale of a company; some of them can be implemented in the design stages of thesites while others are only implemented after thesite has been launched. The first thing to look into when coming up with thesite is the appearance of thesite, with most of thesites it is important that a professional approach be used. It is common for most customers to rely on professionally lookingsites for their webdesign services as opposed to shady lookingsites.

Optimizing thesite is the other aspect that can be used to increase sale on the webdesignsites. In most cases the search engine is the most used tool in searching for results in a given condition and this involves the webdesign services. Search engine optimization is one of the most common methods that is used to attract traffic o onessite, in addition to the search engine optimization search engine marketing can also be used to ensure that the webdesignsite features in lots of searches involving the subject, usually the marketing allows thesite to be ranked higher in standings making it asite that is easily visited online.

Free bites also attract customers tosites and in webdesign company ites it should be the same. Providing the user base with free instructions, information and advice is one of the tricks that one can use to attract users tosites and if the users require services in webdesign the chances are that they will easily contact the company for such services.

A sample trial is one of the products that should be provided in the webdesign company's site to show the users what they expect from the company. Usually this method of campaigning attracts lots of individuals to the site and due to the show case the site attracts the attention of site owners and when used together with SEO it's a great marketing tool.


Why webdesigners don't get the respect they deserve?

Let's admit it. People judge the book by its cover. If it does not look appealing, you can't expect people to hang around and see what you really got. Why do you think companies bank on packaging designs and people say they fell in love at first sight? There is something about a first impression that predicts what is going to happen next. Humans are observers by nature so the first impression usually lasts. Mostadvertisements focus on what people see before they target lock the audience to really see what their product has to prove.

The same reality applies to the World Wide Web where people can make or break you with just one click. If you are into this kind of business, you know that lay-out is basically everything. You can't just spoon-feed the content without getting the attention of your target first. This is why webdesign is a vital part in creating a website. You may already be familiar with codes when you create your own page if you know how to do such things, then good for you. This way you can have more freedom with your design. You can be more flexible with your plans and lay-outs. But then it becomes difficult when you are trapped with the old school style of setting up codes that may frustrate you with one minute mistake. Thankfully, there are companies that offer a pre-made site created by webdesigners so click-and-drag is now your new bestfriend. Webdesigners have done the dirty job for you so you remain hassle-free and more confident with what you are doing.

Webdesign is not an easy task. It's not just painting, arranging, or balancing tones and colours but people actually go to school for this and earn their title as one of the most creative geniuses of our time. If you want to have a website made, you might want to find a webdesigner who can help you out with this. With their extensive knowledge and wide array of creativity, I don't know why badly colour-coordinated sites are still visible up to now.

The thing here is that webdesign is not only purely visuals. It caters to sound as well. See why when you click a friend's page, you hear her play list automatically? This is all part of what webdesigners what their clients to experience. The Internet now is not just a place where you sit in front of a screen, poking a board full of keys (you may want to call it a keyboard for easier reference). Going back to the topic, webdesign has allowed us to hear style too. This varies according to what website you are visiting.

To tell you the truth, it is not an easy task. A webdesigner tries his best to deliver what the people need. It's not just simple supply and demand but also upgrading your supply according to the frequently changing level of demand. That's what webdesign is all about and you can be sure that they deliver.


Facts, Answers, and Questions That Pregnant Women May Not Know

In my years as a Labor and Delivery nurse I have found that there are many facts, question or answers that are not given to patients when they go to see their physician for their monthly or weekly checkups. They therefore go to such places such as Yahoo answers or forums seeking answers rather than asking the physician partly because their physician maybe too busy to take the time to answer their questions., or the patient believes their question to be to silly to ask. This is never the case

Some of the questions I have found asked is:

1. How do I know if I am pregnant?

My answer to this is wait until you are 2 weeks late with your period and then either go to your physician or get an over the counter pregnancy test and if it is positive make an appointment to see your physician. Many people want to know the next day after having unprotected sex and that is too soon to tell. Waiting is hard but in the long run it will cost you less to wait.

2. How do I know if I'm in Labor?

If it is close to your due date, and you start having contractions, always drink several glasses of water, lay on your side and if the contractions go away then you will know that you are not in labor. If the contractions continue and are consistent, no more than 5 minutes a part and are hard as your forehead then that is when you know you are in labor. You always want to give your labor time to work, since once you get to the hospital, you will get IV fluids and nothing to eat until after your baby is born. If it is your first baby then it could take longer than if you have had multiple births. Always remember to call your doctor if in doubt or call the hospital you are going to and talk to a nurse. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

3. What do I do if my water breaks?

Go directly to the hospital. Sometimes once the water breaks your baby can come quickly, sometimes if you wait to long to deliver the baby can get an infection. If you are not sure than go anyway and be checked. Again it's always better to go and be checked and it be nothing than not to go and it be something.

4. Why am I having contractions when it's not my due date?

Many times it's because you are not drinking enough fluid. It's essential that you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Coke and tea are not good for you or the baby although it's ok to have an occasional glass of either but mostly water should be your main drink until you have your baby. Sometimes you start having braxton-hicks contractions which is getting you ready for the "real" thing but you would be well into your pregnancy before this happens. If you are just a few months then you should call your physician or go to the hospital. Also if you were to start bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy then you would call your physician or go straight to the hospital.

5. What do I do when I go into labor?

Once you are assured you are in labor and if you have been contracting for several hours and the contractions are no more than 5 minutes apart and hard as your forehead, then go directly to the hospital. Sometimes even though your contractions are close together and hard, you may not have started to dilate yet and you may be told to walk. Walking helps the dilation process. This should be done even before you start labor as it will help when the time comes.

6. Is it alright to have sex when pregnant?

Unless your physician tells you different then having intercourse is perfectly alright. Sometimes having intercourse right around your due date will help induce labor but your cervix has to be "ripe" and ready and then intercourse will help. Always ask your physician when in doubt.

7. When and what happens when a patient is induced?

When a pregnant woman goes over her due date 2 weeks she is considered overdue and her physician may opt to induce her so that she will deliver her baby before the baby gets to big. There are various reasons why a woman maybe late, there is no real answer since every woman is different. If a patient insists on being induced because she is "tired" of being pregnant, her physician may give it a try if she is far enough along and the baby is mature enough to be delivered. A word of caution about being induced. If the cervix is not ready, if a patients has not started to efface or dilate then there is nothing that is going to make the baby come before everything is ready. I have seen women come into the hospital to be induced only to have it fail and be sent home. Until nature takes its' course then it's a waiting game and patience is required. If induced the mother is given a IV fluids with a drug called Pitocin mixed with the fluid. This is given slowly, using an IV machine and turned up about every 15-30 minutes. As long as the baby is fine then the Pitocin will continue to be turned up until delivery. After delivery the mother is given a couple of bags of IV fluids with Pitocin so that her uterus will contract and keep her from bleeding. This is done in any kind of delivery.

8. Why do some women have to have C-sections and what is to be expected?

If a baby is breech it is safer to deliver a baby by C-section then vaginally. Sometimes the physician is able to turn then baby and a vaginal delivery can be done but if it fails then a C-section is in order for the safety of the baby. Another reason is if a women becomes preeclamptic and her blood pressure gets very high, she swells and/or has blurred eyesight then a C-section is needed for a safe delivery and so the mother will be safe as well. Preelampsia can turn in to Eclampsia which is very serious and also other things can happen from being Eclamptic which can in the end cause death to the mother and/ or baby. The mother can also have seizures from this problem. If a C-section is required, the mother will have an IV and be given medication to try and lower her blood pressure, usually Magnesium Sulfate. If this does not work, then a C-section will be done as an emergency procedure. The mother may be given an epidural or be put to sleep depending or the situation. A C-section is nothing to be afraid of as so many think.

9. Do I have to have an enema when I go to the hospital to have my baby?

Not Always. Sometimes it depends on the doctor, sometimes it depends on the patient. Many years ago the doctors always ordered enemas but today most doctors do not. Some patients request one especially if they have eaten in recent hours before going into labor. It is embarrassing for some it they defecate while pushing the baby out so therefore they prefer and enema prior to going into hard labor. This is usually done upon admission. Some physicians are of the old school and therefore it is in their orders for their patients to have an enema. Should a C-section be required it is better not to have anything on the stomach because a patient can aspirate during surgery. So it just depends on the patient, the physician and the situation as to whether an enema is given.

10. My advice for the husband/significant other when spouse is in labor.

Do not wear any rings or ties. Unless you want your ring to be dug into your fingers while your wife/significant other is pushing then don't wear them. If you do not want to be choked to death then don't wear ties as many woman don't realize how strong they are when pushing and will grab said tie without thinking. Do not take pictures of your spouse while she laboring unless she agrees as she may make you eat the camera before the baby is born. Be patient and don't take offense to anything she may say as she will tell you she is sorry later. If you can't stand the sight of blood then don't be in the room when the baby is born but just remember you will miss the most precious sight in your life if you miss the birth of your child.

11. Do I really need to have an epidural or any kind of pain medication?

My advice is not to be in pain if you don't have to. An epidural is safe and you can enjoy your labor much more if you are not feeling all of the pain. Most doctors will not allow epidurals until you are at least 3 centimeters dilated. You may be a little uncomfortable having it put in but it's worth while in the long run. Some patients opt for IV medications but these can affect the baby so an epidural is much safer. Some women think that feeling the pain is the brave thing to do and if that is their choice that is fine but I see no reason for anyone to be in pain. Having an epidural is better than suffering.

12. Do I have to breast feed my baby?

No one has to breast feed. Breast milk is good for the baby and if you have the patience to do it then I suggest mom to try. There is no harm though in not breast feeding. My babies were not breast fed and they were always healthy and had no problems from not being breast fed. It's whatever the mother chooses to do. Breast or bottle is fine.

13. Should I have my baby circumcised if it's a boy?

My advice is yes. I say this because as they grow into adulthood, they must keep themselves very clean or they can cause their partners to have infections. The foreskin must be pulled back and cleaned thoroughly or there will be infections. There is nothing wrong with not being circumcised as long they are taught as they are growing up to keep themselves clean.

14. What happens when I am admitted to the hospital and I'm in labor?

Expect to have several vials of blood drawn, and IV fluids started. If you are in a natural pattern of labor then you won't be given anything to help but if your labor is not consistent then as in an induction a drug call Pitocin will be added to your bag of fluids to help you along. You will be hooked up to a monitor that has attachments placed on your abdomen so that your babys' heart rate can be monitored as well as your contractions. You will see you nurse do a lot of charting as your labor progresses. Depending on your doctor, you may or may not be given an enema and it also depends on how far dilated your are. Some physicians also like for the vaginal area to be shaved or partially shaved. Some do not require this at all. If you have requested an epidural then when you are at least 3 centimeters dilated then you can have the epidural. If you prefer not to have an epidural then hopefully you have had classes to teach you how to breathe and what to expect. When you have an epidural you are asked to sit up on the side of the bed, leaning forward over the food tray with a pillow to help support you. You will be asked to bow your back out like a mad cat and to remain very still but to tell the anesthesiologist when you are having a contraction so he/she can allow you time to breath through it before he/she starts to stick you and proceed. Always tell them when you are starting a contraction so they will know when to stop doing what they are doing. If they are really good at their job then they should explain everything to you as they are doing it. It takes a few minutes to get this done and the longer you can be still the quicker they can get it done. Your nurse should be right there with you for support. When it gets time for you to deliver which means you are fully dilated to 10 centimeters, and your babys' head is right at the vaginal opening, then your nurse will put your legs up in stirrups, wash your vaginal area with betadine solution (unless you are allergic), call your physician and have all the instruments ready so when the physician arrives all he/ she has to do is deliver your baby.

Sometimes a patient has to an episiotomy which requires cutting the vaginal opening a little larger to allow the baby to deliver. The physician will then stitch that area up. There will be much massaging your abdomen also called the fundus to keep you from bleeding to much and also so the placenta will deliver. A nurse will take your baby to a warmer and make sure all is OK and give you the baby to hold and bond. If you are breast feeding then if you feel like it then you can go ahead an attempt to breast feed. Don't be disappointed if your baby does not take to the breast the first time. Remember your baby has just had a traumatic experience from being in a nice warm womb to coming into a cold world. So be patient as sometimes this takes time and much patience. Once you have delivered and your bleeding is under control and you have urinated on your own then you will be taken to a post partum unit for the rest of your recovery.


Webthesurfi Rugs Webdesign

What is webthesurfi rugs webdesign?

A new global Rugs Portal Web Design combination between Affordable Outsourcing Web Solutions features and high quality solutions specialized services tailored. List of Designs are available for customer satisfaction.

About hosting, domain names and other web development tools and support facilities. It is not impossible to gain the Best Quality Services with low price as well.

Webthesurfi Rugs Webdesign is a new establish company that offers web designing and maintenance. They make websites from rugs to a very high competitive websites that can boost your business profit.

Every individual would definitely want their website to look good, if not, to the best they can. Here are a few things we could look out for when wanting to create a professional looking for an Affordable Outsourcing Web Solutions. So, planning is something we should always do, before attempting something. Webthesurfi Rugs Webdesign combination of Web Design and Rugs because this is the most effective tricks for Rugs Portal projects. There are three or more strips rugs. Most rugs used to cover floors, etc. It is made of fur or plant material. This is the best for home and office decorations.

So think what kind of services do you want and what kind of output do you need. better to think ahead considering all the information i had given plus the fact that it is being handled by a professional web designers, programmers and consultants. So this is simply a great addition to our life.

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Pregnancy Questions and Concerns After the Age of Thirty-Five

More and more frequently these days, women have put off having children. Whether it's the desire to become established in a career, or to be better prepared for the responsibilities associated with having a child, many women are waiting till later in life to become pregnant. In fact, some women are waiting until well after thirty-five to have children. Now, with waiting come certain pregnancy concerns after the age of thirty-five as well issues surrounding the health and well being of any future children they may have.

Of much concern is whether age affects their fertility or not. Unfortunately, according to some researchers, fertility does declines as a woman reaches and passes the age of thirty. Some of the reasons for this decline include:

o The number of eggs produced lessens as a woman ages

o Less sex drive, therefore less opportunities to conceive

o The possibility of other gynecological problems

o A decreased number of sperm in their partner

With the advent of new technologies, pregnancy after the age of thirty-five is much safer than it ever has been in the past and becomes more and more so every day. Having said this, there may still be more complications associated with a pregnancy than there would be for a younger woman, but it is absolutely possible to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy. The need for greater precautions and testing will likely result that wouldn't be required for someone younger, but this increased screening is what makes having children after thirty-five much safer.

Another concern of would be mothers is the possibility of Down Syndrome. As it happens, the chances of birth defects such as Down Syndrome do increase somewhat as a woman ages. Normally the chance for chromosomal abnormalities is 1 in 1,400 babies born to women in their twenties. That number increases to 1 in 100 babies born to women nearing their forties. With greater testing, the ability to recognize these possibilities early on is increased dramatically.

Women over thirty-five are also apprehensive over the worry of whether or not there is a risk of miscarriage. According to a number of studies, the risk of miscarriage increases from 12%-15% for women in their twenties up to 35% for women at forty. Stillbirth is also more common in women over thirty-five, as are cesarean births.

For the women themselves, there are other health issues to be concerned about. High blood pressure and diabetes may develop in any pregnancy, but that risk increases for women over thirty-five. This increased possibility of health issues in the mother is even more reason to begin prenatal visits as soon as you find out you're pregnant. The sooner you involve medical care, the more you will benefit from our new medical advances and the better off you will be.

In order to help reduce any possible complications, both to the mother and child, there are a number of preventative steps you can take:

o Get the recommended amount of folic acid in your diet, preferably before becoming pregnant. So if you know you're trying, be sure to eat more leafy green vegetables, dried beans, and citrus fruit. Recommendations are to get at least 0.4 mg of folic acid each day.

o Don't drink alcohol or smoke during pregnancy.

o Limit the amount of caffeine you drink to no more than 300 mg per day. That's about two cups of coffee and a little more than three cups of black tea. Be sure to pay special attention to the caffeine in soft drinks and food items such as chocolate.

o Eat a well-balanced diet. Eat or drink four servings of dairy, and at least one of vitamin C, vitamin A, and folic acid each day. Don't forget to take your prenatal vitamins.

o Get plenty of sleep and rest, and try to stay free of stress.

o Above all else, make sure you attend each scheduled doctor's appointment and follow their directions.

So if you're over thirty-five and are thinking about having children, there obviously is some cause for concern. However, with proper nutrition, medical care, and effort, you can definitely have a healthy pregnancy and become the proud parent of a beautifully healthy baby.

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