Cruella has a boyfriend.

As much as I hate it, I find myself drawn to the drama created in my life by Cruella DeVille. The newest installment includes her very very friendly attitude toward Mr. Chucklehead and myself.

I knew something was up when she invited us INTO HER HOUSE.

The woman who tried to run me over with her car and swore she would slit my throat if she ever caught me out on a dark night alone wanted us to enter her domain like old friends? She even specifically said, "You can bring her in with you."

Now, granted she didn't utter these words directly to us. She relayed them through a female friend she had over at her house. Mr. Chucklehead had known this friend for awhile...maybe this was a showing of good will and friendship just for the benefit of the friend? (No, I can take nothing for granted...not even an offer of kindness when it comes to Cruella.)


We refused, of would have set a precedence of me having to invite her into my house...Heaven forbid I ever have to have that kind of discomfort in my life and besides...I'm much too shallow right now for that kind of test of character... Can you imagine?

"Cruella - would you like a glass of water or tea?" (muwahaha...I can spit in this if I want.) "Sure, Cruella you can use my bathroom." (She's probably snooping in my medicine much of her purse can I look through before she gets back?)

Yes, I admit it...she brings out the very worst in me....that sordid fascination with who this woman is...why Mr. Chucklehead was married to her for so long...How did she become such a huge part of MY LIFE??? (although...I don't think I would really go through her purse...I'd be much too nervous she'd catch me.)

Then, the answer to our unspoken question comes...

Cruella has a boyfriend.

Dating 2 months...she thinks it serious. Wanted us to know since he'll be spending a lot of time with the kids.

Praise the Lord. She's got a boyfriend. Dare I hope the drama will stop for awhile?

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