Wide awake

Couldn't sleep...

Found this survey...



2.Name someone with the same birthday as you:
Rick Springfield

3.Last thing you ate:
Cabbage soup

4.Someone you'd like to meet:

5.I say Shotgun! You say?

6.Last person you hugged?
My husband

7.Do you believe in God?

8. How many U.S. states have you been to?

9. How many of the U.S. states have you lived in:

10.Ever lived outside of the US:
Yes - Italy and Switzerland

11. Name something you like physically about yourself:
My eyes

12. Something non-physical you like about yourself:
Ability to organize and delegate. :)

13.Who is your best friend(s)?
My husband and stephiloulou and you.

14.Why are you still up?
I can't sleep...its awful...can't sleep...need sleep....

15. Who made you angry today?

16.Favorite type of Food?:

17.Favorite holiday:

18.Do you download music:
errr...not really? Who cares?

19. What illegal things have you done?
Any enumeration on my illegal activities would be self incriminating. I plead the 5th. Besides...I hear my mom reads this.

20. Would you date the person that posted this?
Yeah...I think I'm hot.

21. What is your wildest dream?
Whirled peas

22.Do you love anyone?
Oh yeah...lots of anyones.

23.Do you like Bush:
As in George I, George II or Barbara or another one of them? I'll skip the answer to this as its probably not flattering to any of them and say that I like sea animals a lot.

24. Have you ever bungee jumped:
Heck no...too close to the ground for me. I'd rather skydive.

25.Have you ever gone white-water rafting:
Unfortunately not. Only tubing....but family o mine...do you remember that tubing trip we took? maybe it was just Sarah, dad and me...and we went over that WATERFALL cuz the guy didn't tell us when to pull out? I consider that white water innertube rafting.

26. How much money ya got?
I got a dollar.

27.Have you met a real redneck?
I'm married to one. Whoops...did I say that with my outside voice? (just kidding) The real answer is YES. I grew up in Vale, Oregon...every one of my childhood crushes could be considered a "real" redneck.

27.How is the weather right now:
Its pitch black outside...no clue

29.What are you listening to right now:
the clock ticking

30.What is your current fav song:
Right Stuff - NKOTB

31.What was the last movie you watched?
LittleMan...don't even ask...soooo stupid.

32.Do you wear contacts?

33.Where was the last place you went besides your house?
Salem for work.

34.What are you afraid of?:

35.How many piercings and tattoo's do you have?:
two pierced ears and thats all.

36.How many pets do you have:
zippo...I have stepchildren...do they count?

37.Have you ever loved someone:
Uh - yeah...didn't they already ask this question?

39.What turns you on?
cold feet.

40.What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Double tall latter frappucino with skim milk, two shots of hazelnut in a grande supertall mocha. (Can you hear the sarcasm? I don't drink coffee and I don't like starbucks.)

41.Have you ever fired a gun:

42.Favorite TV show?

43.Do you have an ipod?:
I own an MP3 player not of the IPOD brand.

44. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
Yes. Brittney Spears. We have the same outfits.

45. Do you like Michael Jackson?
Hey...Billie Jean...not my lover.

46.Who would you like to see right now?
My husband.

47.Favorite movie of all time?

48. Do you find yourself loved?:
They keep asking these kinds of questions I'm going to start to feel insecure.

49.Have you ever regretted something you didn't do?
yes...and something I did do too.

50.Favorite flower:

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