The WHAT adventure?

Today we went for a long bike ride. I've had cabin fever something fierce and needed to get out of the house and get some exercise in before my stay at home sweatpants actually became part of my skin...

Madmad is not a very good bike rider yet. She can do it, but she still gets nervous down hills and forgets to use her brakes and tries to stop with her feet and when she does use her brakes she stomps on them and comes screeching to a halt nearly always toppling the bike.

So, we decided to take it nice and easy and to stay on the wide bike paths, but we wanted to stop by the outdoor store here for an accessory for Mr. C's bike... Ok..not really an accessory - when we shipped the bike we discovered that  the seat was missing? Huh? Yeah...who knows where it went? Mr. C found a cool seat in the dumpster ( we ARE resourceful aren't we?!) but the metal post was too small and so the seat wouldn't attach correctly on the bike so we went to see if they sold seat posts....

Thats not really an accessory...its kind of necessary, but to end this little tangent story, I was proud of Mr. C biking for nearly 2 miles with no seat.  (ha ha ha...what a sport.) we head down the little path to go to the commissary and outdoor store Maddie gets scared because she has to turn a corner, forgets her brakes, can't stop with her feet in time and plows BAM into a 4 ft ditch lined with concrete.


She didn't really get hurt - had a little cry and then was too scared to get back on her bike. Mr. C and I rallied and soon we had her back on and she ended up riding the whole 2 miles with us.

Long story short...she wrote in her journal and drew a picture of her "ditch" adventure...or maybe not...

And we even got a cool picture to go with it...

I'm the lunatic looking one with wild hair saying "oh my!"  John is the other blondie who exclaims, "Good fall!" and a few other unreadable things.  And Maddie is laying in the ditch (see bluebell, her bike?) saying Waaaaaah! 

Love it.  We had her change the B's to D's, but I had to scan it so I could pull it out someday when she's 17 and have a good laugh with her about it.

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