Walt Disney's Castle...

At least thats what most people know it as...

We, however traveled from Garmish a WHOLE HOUR....to see the REAL THING.

Schloss Neuschwanstein

When we arrived it was so incredibly crowded...I guess its one of those tourist hotspots here in Germany.  I hadn't seen such crowds since I tried to get on the MAX train during the Blazer game in Portland!

Regardless - we stood in line for 30 minutes to get tickets when we heard someone exiting say, "Oh, well, we go into the castle at 5PM."  EEEEEEEEK.  It was only 11AM.  John and I gave that "look"...you know, the one where we both agree that a 6+ hour wait to see the inside of a castle was not going to happen...  We decided instead to just go and tour the grounds instead.  So, we checked out the hill we were about to climb and decided...

It was time to experience our first horse-drawn carriage.  It was really fun and totally worth the 40 minute wait to get on the carriage.  Especially because we got to sit right up in the front so the girls could watch the horses.  Then half way up the horses...well, they got gassy.  Our driver in his broken english described it as a "symphony."  HA HA HA...And it wasn't just one - it was BOTH horses.  Maddie couldn't stop giggling and Bella had this look on her face.

The castle was simply beautiful...and we didn't feel too badly about not going in.  Especially when we found out later that visitors only got to tour about 4-5 rooms and that was it.  I was really glad we didn't wait 6 hours for that.

From the carriage dropoff you walked up another 1/4 mile and rounded a corner to see this...

To get into the castle courtyard you turn to the left and are greeted by yet another tower

The gates to the courtyard cross over a shallow moat.  You can see how crowded it was that day...

As you pass through the gates you are greeted by the main castle structure.

From up on that wall (in the above photo) you see the opposite side of the castle gates...

And the stairs leading to the towers...we were bummed those were off limits.

And, of course - the token "get your face in the photo so you can say you were there" picture.

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