
This weekend I took an MWR (Morale, Welfare, Recreation) trip to Berlin.  I took the MWR bus for two reasons. 

1.  Someone else got to drive the 5 hours to Berlin.
2.  There was a tour of the major sightseeing spots.

We left at 3AM from Rose Barracks one one of those plush seat is what they don't tell you about those buses...they are WORSE than airplanes.  The seating, I mean.  The lady in front of me put her seat back...because the lady in front of her put her seat back and so I had to put my seat back because there was less than a hand span between the seat and me if I didn't. 

Lets just say it was pretty uncomfortable for the 5 hours of driving...but luckily leaving at 3AM means I got to sleep through most of it.


Berlin...giant town.  I was glad we had the initial bus tour even though we got way too little time at each of the major parts of the town.  I consider this trip my "Berlin primer." 

I'm going to blog seperately about the Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie and the Brandenburg Gate...all the rest of my Berlin experience will go here.  Are you on the edge of your seat yet?  If not...let me entice you with this list of 10 things we saw other than the major sights I just no particular order...

I call this the "drive by" photography.  Remember I was in a bus looking through the window so please forgive the quality of photo...just enjoy the sentiment behind them...

10.  The existence of the 3rd Reich.  It wasn't super obvious...but little pieces like this were all over the city.  I found them extremely disturbing and interesting at the same time.  This little gem was on the side of the original Berlin Airport.  Located directly in the city center it was supposed to be the largest building in the city and from the sky shaped like an eagle with outspread wings.  The construction was never completely finished...but there is still a massive building completely shut down right in the center of Berlin. 

9.  The artwork...from buildings to statues...

I fell in love with this old lady face statue.  I totally want it in MY garden.  Seriously.

And then some nameless statue that we found significant at the time...but I can't, for the life of me...remember who it is.  I suppose someone is very disappointed in me.  Either you get to share this completely insignificant moment with me.

Plus we were excited to find some "punk" for which Berlin is famous for....this is about as close as we got to finding it...

8.  Sex shops.  Yep...they are on ever corner...kind of like Starbucks or McDonalds.  I was pretty amazed at how...errrr....busy? they were.  People coming in and out of these stores nonstop. 

And if that isn't dear Nacho Libre had to pose on the steps to the World of Sex.  The stairs kept listing exactly how much further until you reached their nirvana.  Its a little disturbing... 

7.  Men's Pissoir.  This made me laugh.  That is a bathroom....unfortunately...women were not given the same consideration way back when the iron curtain was up.  I guess we were expected to go before we left home...?

6.  The difference between buildings in the west and east parts of the city.  Buildings in West Berlin are ornate...decorated...flowing with flowers on the balconies...

Buildings in East Berlin are stiff steel construction with no imagination.  Build like a cubicle...considered efficient and ugly.

5.  American influence.  Quite a few of the memorial sites or significant buildings were designed by American architects, scultptures, etc.  This is the holocaust memorial.  We tried to run back to get better photos, but alas...our tour guide was on a schedule and it didn't allow for John and I to run all the way back to this in time to get something other than the drive by shot...

And, of course...always know where your embassy is...

And your PX...

4.  The palace(s)...Their queen Charlotte had her regular palace and a summer home palace all located within Berlin city limits.  I suppose if you've got the money why NOT have a winter/summer palace....

3.  Dunkin' Donuts.  We couldn't resist this little taste of home.

2.  Little Safari cars...because you know its a jungle out there. 

1.  Spending time with my honey bunny at Captain Shillows where I ate the best perch EVER...on a boat. 

I'll bet thats the side of Berlin you never thought you'd see...  :)

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