Biggest Loser

Its 2008. This is the time of year when gym memberships increase and people swear to get rid of that spare tire around their middle or the tone that cellulite on their thighs...

Me, I'm part of Sparkpeople. Its a free online calorie and exercise tracking log as well as a support network. I'm really excited because next week starts the BIGGEST LOSER Challenges for my sparkpeople teams.

Biggest Loser is a tv show that I'm a little addicted to. I love seeing the transformation of these people on the show. I know its not realistic unless you've got the dietician, 8 hours of exercise/day and your own personal doctor and staff watching out for you...but really...there has to be a dedication on the part of the participant too.

Plus...I love BOB and JILLIAN. Bob is like the kind trainer...he's softer and gentler and trains by example. Jillian is the pusher...she yells and demands and doesn't accept no for an answer, but you always have this feeling that its because she wants whats best for you and she KNOWS you can reach a goal.

I would LOVE to be on this show...but instead...I have sparkpeople.

I'm in two challenges this next quarter.

1. PINK TEAM - PINK SHRINKERS - I'm the captain and there are about 37 team members...Gaaah! Thats a lot. But it should be fun. By week 3-4 there are usually about 1/3 that drop out or disappear because they aren't totally dedicated. This is an 8 week challenge and I hope to drop 16 pounds by the end of it.

2. Purple Pound Punchers - This is a new team for me...they are crazy. I log on once or maybe twice per day and there are 5 pages of posts that I have to catch up to. They are also very motivating. This challenge is 12 full weeks. I'm hoping to be down 24 more pounds by the end of it.

I'm really excited. I've been waiting for these teams to get started so I could feel that same motivation that I had last year. I've got my exercise plan in nutrition plan in place...this should be a good year for me to be the biggest loser.

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