Til' we meet again.

President Gordon B. Hinckley passed away a couple of days ago. He was the prophet of the LDS Church and I have a very fond place in my heart for this sweet loving man.

I remember the day I first saw him. Unlike the superstar musicians of my youth that I screamed and cried and shoved to get closer to, I stood in awe at this celebrity of a different type. He was with his wife, Marjorie and I mostly remember how much he loved her. He showed it without worry of public attention, holding her hand, guiding her arm and loving caresses.

I remember that he spoke of tolerance, kindness and Christian living. I think I loved most about him that he demanded that true "saints" back up their words with actions. Something that so many of us fall short of at one time or another.

I love his smile, his short stature and his quick laugh.

I do not know this man. I never went to his home, broke bread with him or walked down a street in his company, but I would not call him a stranger and he has changed my life.

I read the biographies, the memorials, the tributes, the stories found on www.lds.org but the comment I found that most echoed my own sentiments was this,

"President Hinckley had the gift to make people want to do better and to feel that they could...For me, he raised the standard of what it is to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, giving all." President Henry B. Eyring

How piddly the things I worry about seem when I dwell on the work of this great man. Spiritual giant of the world...friend of all religions...admired by millions...loved by all who have taken the time to know him.

Til' we meet again, dear friend. Til' we meet again.

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