Happy 2 month birthday smiley!

Yesterday on Bella's 2 month birthday we decided to take a long walk for a birthday treat. It was 70 degrees outside. I had on a jacket and had to take it off...so, off we go on our walk to the end of the street...when we get there I see a trail that I'd been wondering about. So, feeling adventerous we head out on the trail. This whole time I'm on a conference call for work so I'm not really paying good attention.

On our walk...

Suddenly I realize I have no clue where I am. I'm not totally lost because I can see houses and all that around me, but I'm a little lost because I don't remember how to get back to MY street.

What I see when looking around for the road back home...

So, we improvise and end up coming out of the desert walk in a SCARY part of Sierra Vista. I'm talking about boarded up trailer park houses, large dogs that bark madly at you and strain their heavy duty chains to try and eat you up and back alleys where I was sure I'd find a body...

Boarded up trailer...

So, I call my dear friend Stephiloulou and tell her that if she loses me on the phone to immediately call 9-1-1 and tell them I was on Twilight street. (such a pretty name for a scary place) Then she helped me find my way home...about 30 more minutes of walking...

Our little walk ended up to be a two and 1/2 hour adventure that won me "mother of the year" award as I came totally unprepared to change diapers, feed baby or simply to walk as far as we did. That being said...I realize my little off-road trek was a stupid move that I won't be repeating anytime soon without my manly man next to me to act as body guard.

Now after that charming short story, I ALSO want to wish my sweet nephew Beckham a happy 2 month birthday today. He was born 15 hours after Bella. What fun to have a literal "same age cousin!"

And, to top it all off, I finally had a camera when Bella was practicing her gorgeous grin and I got it on film! She still doesn't have full control of when her little face lights up with this great smile, but she's practicing it an awful lot lately. I LOVE it. See the following 2 kabillion photos as I couldn't choose just ONE.

You want me to what?


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