Unfortunately I couldn't understand most of what was written on the sign posts and my pocket dictionary apparently didn't cater to "wildlife park lingo." So, we made do with guessing what was in each section and occassionaly getting lucky along the way. Back to the goats. Seriously - the coolest goats we'd ever seen. Eric and Maddie picked grass from the side of the road...we had a few near misses with stinging nettle...and then would put it through the fence for the goats to munch on...being July, there were a lot of little baby goats. A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.

Bella had her first goat nibbling finger experience. She didn't like it so much. I think it scared her since the goat wasn't biting as much as nibbling with its goat lips.
In addition to the animals we discovered an incredibly cool swimming lake. The kids are thrilled to return to it another day when it isn't so cold and rainy...Yes, did I mention the rain?

They have a big playground with a "big kid side" for Maddie and Eric...

And a little kid side for the baby girl...

Our biggest disappointment was the wild pigs. I've never seen a wild pig and would have liked that chance to observe while its on the other side of the tall fence with electrified wire...That sounds a lot better to me than happening upon it in the wild...like my first encounter with a moose and a bear...but those are stories for a different day. As we left the park we waved goodbye and shouted, "We'll be back!" to the little wooden sentries...

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