More great posts over the last week-and-a-bit from the
marketing automation and
B2B marketing blogging community. Some good analysis of data in this week's set - data from surveys, data on FriendFeed usage, and data on how data ages. I hope you enjoy these posts as much as I did:
Laura Cross (@lauracross) from Marketing Insights draws a comparison between direct marketing teasers and the relationship between emails and landing pages in this quick but insightful video:
David Raab (@draab) at the Customer Experience Matrix looks at the Pedowitz Group’s Sweet platform which ties social media and marketing automation together:
Lauren Kincke on the B2B Lead blog provides some interesting and surprising stats on how quickly data gets dirty and hence why it should be a key priority for marketers:
Brian Carroll (@brianjcarroll) from Start with a Lead discusses what is actually lead nurturing vs what many execs think is lead nurturing. A focus on helping the prospective buyer better understand the space and solve their pains is key, not just a repeated attempt to sell:
Steve Kellogg (LinkedIn) from Crowds2Crowds writes a letter to sales introducing all that marketing can do for them. A great foundation for thinking about how to get buy-in from your sales team to marketing’s efforts:
Mike Damphousse (@damphoux) from Green Leads shared a few results from his recent poll of sales and marketing execs. Key takeaways: outbound marketing is still more common than inbound, for now, and at least 1/3 of senior execs will delegate down to directors when looking to understand vendor offerings:
Jep Castelein (@jepc) from Lead Sloth starts a good discussion by looking at the top reasons that marketing automation projects fail. Typical causes are unclear business focus, and relying on technology alone, rather than people, process, and technology:
Dharmesh Shah (@dharmesh) at Hubspot provides some very interesting stats on FriendFeed and how it’s used. Surprisingly experimental and early adopter usage profile:
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