404:  I haven’t a clue

ADN:  Any day now
AFAIK:  As far as I know
AFK:  Away from keyboard
ARE:  Acronym-rich environment
ASAP:  As soon as possible
A/S/L?:  Age/sex/location?
B4N:  Bye for now
BAK:  Back at the keyboard
BAS:  Big a** smile
BBIAB:  Be back in a bit
BBL:  Be back later
BBN:  Bye bye now
BBS:  Be back soon
BEG:  Big evil grin
BF:  Boy friend
BFD:  Big f***ing deal
BFN:  Bye for now
BG:  Big grin
BIBO:  Beer in, beer out
BIOYIOP:  Blow it out your I/O port
BL:  Belly laughing
BMGWL:  Busting my gut with laughter
BOTEC:  Back-of-the-envelope calculation
BRB:  Be right back
BTA:  But then again...
BTDT:  Been there, done that
BTW:  By the way
BWL:  Bursting with laughter
BWTHDIK:  But what the heck do I know...?
CICO:  Coffee in, coffee out
C&G:  Chuckle and grin
CNP:  Continued in next post
CRBT:  Crying real big tears
CU:  See you
CUL:  See you later
CUL8ER:  See you later
CYA:  See ya
CYA:  Cover your ass
CYO:  See you online
DBA:  Doing business as
DL:  Dead link
DLTBBB:  Don’t let the bed bugs bite
DIKU:  Do I know you?
DITYID:  Did I tell you I’m distressed?
DOM:  Dirty old man
DOS:  Dozing off soon
DQMOT:  Don’t quote me on this
DTRT:  Do the right thing
DWB:  Don’t write back
EG:  Evil grin
EMFBI:  Excuse me for butting in
EMSG:  E-mail message
EOM:  End of message
EOT:  End of thread (meaning: end of discussion)
ETLA:  Extended three-letter acronym (that is, an FLA)
F2F:  Face to face
FAQ:  Frequently-ask question(s)
FC:  Fingers crossed
FISH:  First in, still here
FLA:  Four-letter acronym
FMTYEWTK:  Far more than you ever wanted to know
FOMCL:  Falling off my chair laughing
FTBOMH:  From the bottom of my heart
FUBAR:  F***ed up beyond all repair or recognition
FUD:  Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
FWIW:  For what it’s worth
FYI:  For your information
G:  Grin
GA:  Go ahead
GAL:  Get a life
GD&R:  Grinning, ducking, and running
GF:  Girlfriend
GFN:  Gone for now
GGP:  Gotta go pee
GIWIST:  Gee, I wish I’d said that
GL:  Good luck
GMAB:  Give me a break
GMTA:  Great minds think alike
GOL:  Giggling out loud
GTRM:  Going to read mail
GTSY:  Glad to see you
H&K:  Hug and kiss
HAGN:  Have a good night
HAND:  Have a nice day
HHIS:  Hanging head in shame
HIG:  How’s it going
HT:  Hi there
HTH:  Hope this helps
HUB:  Head up butt
IAC:  In any case
IAE:  In any event
IANAL:  I am not a lawyer (but)
IC:  I see
IGP:  I gotta pee
IHA:  I hate acronyms
IHU:  I hear you
IIRC:  If I recall/remember/recollect correctly
ILU or ILY:  I love you
IM:  Immediate message
IMCO:  In my considered opinion
IMHO:  In my humble opinion
IMing:  Chatting with someone online usually while doing other things such as playing trivia or other interactive game
IMNSHO:  In my not so humble opinion
IMO:  In my opinion
IMS:  I am sorry
IOW:  In other words
IPN:  I’m posting naked
IRL:  In real life (that is, when not chatting)
ITIGBS:  I think I’m going to be sick
IWALU:  I will always love you
IYSWIM:  If you see what I mean
J4G:  Just for grins
JBOD:  Just a bunch of disks (like redundant array of independent disks, etc.)
JIC:  Just in case
JK:  Just kidding
JMO:  Just my opinion
JTLYK:  Just to let you know
KISS:  Keep it simple stupid
KIT:  Keep in touch
KOTC:  Kiss on the cheek
KOTL:  Kiss on the lips
KWIM?:  Know what I mean?
L8R:  Later
L8R:  G8R Later gator
LD:  Later, dude
LDR:  Long-distance relationship
LHO:  Laughing head off
LLTA:  Lots and lots of thunderous applause
LMAO:  Laughing my a** off
LMSO:  Laughing my socks off
LOL:  Laughing out loud
LRF:  Little Rubber Feet (the little pads on the bottom of displays and other equipment)
LSHMBH:  Laughing so hard my belly hurts
LTM:  Laugh to myself
LTNS:  Long time no see
LTR:  Long-term relationship
LULAB:  Love you like a brother
LULAS:  Love you like a sister
LUWAMH:  Love you with all my heart
LY:  Love ya
LY4E:  Love ya forever
MorF:  Male or female
MOSS:  Member of the same sex
MOTOS:  Member of the opposite sex
MTF:  More to follow
MUSM:  Miss you so much
NADT:  Not a darn thing
NFG:  No f*****g good
NFW:  No feasible way or no f*****g way
NIFOC:  Naked in front of computer
NP or N/P:  No problem
NRN:  No response necessary
OIC:  Oh, I see
OLL:  Online love
OMG:  Oh my God
OTF:  Off the floor
OTOH:  On the other hand
OTTOMH:  Off the top of my head
PANS:  Pretty awesome new stuff (as opposed to "POTS")
PAW:  Parents are watching
PCMCIA:  People can’t master computer industry acronyms
PDA:  Public display of affection
PEBCAK:  Problem exists between chair and keyboard
PIBKAC:  Problem is between keyboard and chair
PITA:  Pain in the ass
PM:  Private message
PMFJIB:  Pardon me for jumping in but...
POAHF:  Put on a happy face
::POOF::  Goodbye (leaving the room)
POTS:  Plain old telephone service
PU:  That stinks!
QT:  Cutie
RL:  Real life (that is, when not chatting)
ROR:  Raffing out roud (Engrish for "laughing out loud")
ROTFL:  Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO:  Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
ROTFLMAOWPIMP:  Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off while peeing in my pants
ROTFLMBO:  Rolling on the floor laughing my butt off
RPG:  Role-playing games
RSN:  Real soon now
RT:  Real time
RTFM:  Read the f***ing manual
RYO:  Roll your own (write your own program; derived from cigarettes rolled yourself with tobacco and paper)
S^:  S’up - what’s up
S4L:  Spam for life (what you may get when you become someone’s customer or client)
SHCOON:  Shoot hot coffee out of nose
SEG:  S***-eating grin
SETE:  Smiling ear to ear
SF:  Surfer-friendly (low-graphics Web site)
SHID:  Slaps head in disgust
SNAFU:  Situation normal, all f***ed up
SO:  Significant other
SOL:  Smiling out loud or sh*t out of luck
SOMY:  Sick of me yet?
SOT:  Short on time
SOTMG:  Short on time must go
STW:  Search the Web
SU:  Shut up
SUAKM:  Shut up and kiss me
SUP:  What’s up
SWAK:  Sealed with a kiss
SWL:  Screaming with laughter
SYS:  See you soon
TA:  Thanks again
TAFN:  That’s all for now
TANSTAAFL:  There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch
TCOY:  Take care of yourself
TFH:  Thread from hell (a discussion that just won’t die and is often irrelevant to the purpose of the forum or group)
TGIF:  Thank God it’s Friday
THX:  Thanks
TIA:  Thanks in advance (used if you post a question and are expecting a helpful reply)
TILII:  Tell it like it is
TLA:  Three-letter acronym
TLK2UL8R:  Talk to you later
TMI:  Too much information
TNT:  Till next time
TOPCA:  Til our paths cross again (early Celtic chat term)
TOY:  Thinking of you
TPTB:  The powers that be
TTFN:  Ta-Ta for now
TTT:  Thought that, too (when someone types in what you were about to type)
TTYL:  Talk to you later
TU:  Thank you
TY:  Thank you
UAPITA:  You’re a pain in the ass
UW:  You’re welcome
VBG:  Very big grin
VBSEG:  Very big s***-eating grin
WAYD:  What are you doing
WB:  Welcome back
WBS:  Write back soon
WDALYB:  Who died and left you boss?
WDALYIC:  Who died and left you in charge?
WEG:  Wicked evil grin
WFM:  Works for me
WIBNI:  Wouldn’t it be nice if
WT?:  What/who the ?
WTFO:  What the F***! Over!
WTG:  Way to go!
WTGP?:  Want to go private?
WU?:  What’s up?
WUF?:  Where are you from?
WYSIWYG:  What you see is what you get
YBS:  You’ll be sorry
YMMV:  Your mileage may vary
YW:  You’re welcome

You can also see Computer related acronyms here  COMPUTER ACRONYMS

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