Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts

Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Alt + Left Arrow - Goes Back to the previous page.

  • Alt + Right Arrow - Goes Forward to the next page.

  • Ctrl + A - Highlights all the current information on the page.

  • Ctrl + B - Opens the Organize Favorites window for you.

  • Ctrl + D - Does an immediate Add to Favorites on the current web page.

  • Ctrl + E - Opens the Search Companion window for you.

  • Ctrl + F - Opens the Find window to search the current page.

  • Ctrl + H - Opens the History folder for you.

  • Ctrl + I - Opens the Favorites folder for you.

  • Ctrl + L - Brings Up the Open window allowing you to type new internet address.

  • Ctrl + N - Opens a new browser window for you.

  • Ctrl + O - Brings Up the Open window allowing you to type new internet address.

  • Ctrl + P - Print the current page or active frame for you.

  • Ctrl + R - Reloads the current page for you.

  • Ctrl + W - Closes the active Internet Explorer window.

  • F1 - Opens the Internet Explorer help page for you.

  • F3 - Opens the Search Companion window for you.

  • F4 - Opens the Address Bar and displays a listing of recently visited sites.

  • F5 - Refreshes the current page for you.

  • F10 - Highlights the top menu bar where File, Edit, View can be accessed.

  • F11 - Toggles Internet Explorer between normal and full screen mode for you.

  • Up Arrow - Scrolls toward the beginning of a web page for you.

  • Down Arrow - Scrolls toward the beginning of a web page for you.

  • Page Up - Scrolls toward the beginning of a web page in larger increments.

  • Page Down - Scrolls toward the end of a web page in larger increments.

  • Home Key - Moves you to the very beginning of a web page.

  • End Key - Moves you to the very end of a web page.

  • Spacebar - Scrolls down one browser window for you. Same as page down key.

  • Enter Key - Will launch a selected link within a web page and/or within the address bar.

  • Tab Key - Moves you forward between links, the Address bar and frames.

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