Queen of crafting.

Actually, I'm really not even close to the queen of crafting.  In fact, I may not even include myself in the royal line...  I *might* allow myself the humble title of royal crafting family stable girl...  Only because in all the best romantic stories the stable girl ends up being the real princess.  ha ha ha...  And if she's not the princess she usually gets the hot guy...  And if thats not the case at the very least she's the buxom beauty sexy goddess. 

That works for me.  :D

Anywho...This past month has been full of crafting for me and the kiddos.  Most of it has been centered around Halloween...no big surprise there...it IS the season for spooky ghosts and goblins.  I thought you might like to see just a few of our fine creations...

Every Wednesday night I have a group of girlfriends that come over and we sit around and knit and cross stitch and we gab a lot.  (you may have heard it commonly referred to as a "stitch-n-bitch") - but the reality is its a great time to just hang out with the girls and...well....gab.  One friend arrived with nothing to do - so I set her to work helping me with my Storytime project - Coffee filter ghosts.  Take a coffee filter - wet it down and then dab two eyes and a mouth and watch it run.

Another storytime craft that I did with the little ones was a paper plate ghost.  These were so cute!  Here is Bella - pleased as anything - holding her creation up for the world to see...

We also have set to work decorating out playroom with awesome halloween spooky decor.  Like this great sign the girls colored...

And then we also made our spider shirts.  I found this online and just thought it was so adorable we HAD to have them.  So I bought a couple of grey t-shirts and  you put black paint on the child's hand -- palm and fingers, but not on the thumb -- and then overlap the palm prints to make the spider. 

Next, add some white circles for eyes and a little white line for the web and tadumm!

And then the final unveiling of the two cutest little bugs on the block...

And finally - we made a few "yellow ribbon" crafts.  The yellow ribbons came in a wonderfully thoughtful care package that my friend put together for us.  In fact she sent us lots of fun little craft thingamabobs...and the yellow ribbons just happened to be one of them...

Maddie wanted to make an Army girl.  Its quite possible that she will end up a soldier.  She's got the brains and the athleticism and the willpower to make herself a force in any position.  But she'd probably take after her daddy and want to go into the intelligence field.  But she is also a bit of a rebel...note the non traditional colors she used and she specifically pointed out the pony tails to me and said, "ha ha...soldier girls can't wear pony tails, but MINE can."

Bella, on the other hand did a fine job making our flag a rainbow, putting blue circles in each star and then glueing on her soldier boy.  I'm under the impression that this one is supposed to be her daddy.  Not because of the fine resemblence, but because she talked incessantly about him while we were doing our project. 

And now I put away my glue sticks and my crayons and my scissors and bid you guten nacht!

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