We fell into Fall....

We fell into Fall...and before I even realized it now we're headed straight into winter.  Did you know that the forecast for Vilseck on Thursday is SNOW???

Is that crazy?

I find it a tad insane myself.

But, before it gets too far into that snowy white blanket of snow that eventually ends up a pile of brown slush (6 months down the road) ... *GROAN*...

Too many leaf photos?  It just brought back so many memories that I had when i was a kid.  In fact, I seem to remember that in my late teens I was out there with my sisters playing in the leaves.  I was such a nerdy kid.  But, its the good kind of nerdy - you know the kind that loves New Kids on the Block and reads late into the night and loved playing Dr. Mario on Nintendo.  ***sigh*** Those were the days.

And, before I get too much further down memory lane...  I have a friend here who goes on late night walks with her dog, Tyson.  Tyson is a much loved animal in our family.  In fact, if you happen to mention his name to one nearly 2-year old munchkin you will have the shriek of TysonTysonTyson ringing through your eardrums for the next few hours.

Regardles...Tyson sniffed out a hedgehog...and my fearless friend picked it up and then just on a whim rolled it down a hill.  Because you know when hedgehogs get "found" they roll into a ball.  Now before you cry Animal Cruelty! - please know that the hill wasn't particularly large and I know for a fact that no harm was done to the hedgehog.  In fact, there is now a hedgehog that frequents the front door of my friend's house and we're fairly certain its because he LIKES being rolled down a hill.  Otherwise, I can't help but imagine that the poor little creature would learn to stay far away from the light...right?

Well, my friend brought over the hedgehog so I could meet him.  Hermie is his name.  And  yes, apparently my friend is also skilled in the fine art of knowing if a hedgehog has lace on his panties. 

Say hello to Hermie...

 Hermie was so darn cute.  I had never dared actually pick up a hedgehog before.  In fact, I think I can pretty safely say there has only been one other time I've seen an actual hedgehog - that was at the Nurnberg zoo and no - it was not in a cage - it was while walking around the forested park areas.  I certainly didn't touch that hedgehog...I knew they carried rabies.

Well, my friend did an extensive search and has learned that German hedgehog do not have rabies.  (Does this sound vaguely like that one story way back when the German guy from housing told me that German spiders don't bite?)  Hmmmmm.....

So - being the "mom of the year" that I am...I promptly took Hermie up the stairs to visit Maddie.  YES it was a school night.  YES she was in bed.  YES it was 11:30PM, but really - who wouldn't want to be awakened from a deep sleep to meet Hermie.

And see...she's quite happy about it.

And so ends my "Fell into fall" epistle....you just never know what a change in the weather will bring...

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