Now that its August... that its August I thought I'd better write about the 4th of July this year.  I figure we can always use a reminder of America's Independence Day.  Right?

So, our family...we spent the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of July in Garmisch, Germany at the Edelweiss Resort and Lodge.  Its a beautiful hotel set next to the Army base and they had a bunch of great special events planned for that weekend.  They all kinds of kid-friendly activities that Eric and Bella could hardly wait to see...

The day started with the Eric and Bella having the chance to try the bungee trampolines...

Then we went to the shooting range...where I actually scored 3 out of 4 shots.  (the SAME as my expert shooter husband!  Woot!)

Eric had a blast on this giant bouncy reminded me of our family reunion...only no water or swimsuits...or broken bones.  :)

Meanwhile, John and I looked on and just enjoyed watching the kids play play play....

And then the evening rolled around and we went to the "Traditional Bavarian show" that was playing in the conference center.  It was really cool.

Just a sampling of videos of traditional Bavarian activities...I'm glad I don't consider these blase' yet!

We started it off with the traditional German Long Horns.  They are so beautiful sounding.  I was surprised at the tone of these horns...I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this!

Then they had two couples that did a traditional Bavarian dance.  I love the guy's part in this.  The girls just pony and twirl...boring.  And yes, the boys are wearing half sock things...apparently that is traditional wear. 

Then, of course, its not traditional Bavarian without the cow bell music.  (sorry if the sarcasm was too much.)  I found this lady quite talented, but she was extremely obsessed with the placement of her bells.  I cut out the footage where she moves them 1/2 centimeter to the right and left over and over again...but I guess if you have to play the cow bells you gotta do what you gotta do to make it work for you...

Last, but not least...and my FAVORITE part of the show was the yodeling guy.  I loved this.  Love. Love. Love.  I want to learn to yodel.

When the show was over it was time for the fireworks.  You may not know this about me, but I LOVE fireworks.  Its my favorite part of any 4th of July.  I nearly divorced my husband over missing the fireworks one year not so long ago...  In fact, let me just share you this side story...I think you can appreciate it like I do now.  July 4, 2008 and we were in Ft. Huachuca, Arizona.  I was pregnant with Bella and we were living in the guest housing and sleeping on the most uncomfortable beds ever made on the 3rd floor (with no elevator) of basically what would be considered barracks housing.

I wanted to see the fireworks.  John did not.  He promised me we'd be able to see them from the common room window.  So we cooked some dinner and then started to play Phase 10.  It was the worst game of Phase 10 ever.  John repeatedly killed me...and soon he was on Phase 8 and I was on Phase 2 when I caught him trying to LET ME WIN a hand.  John can say he had a near death experience that night. 

Anywho...I'm about to call it quits and stomp out of the room headed straigh for legal and divorce paperwork when the fireworks start...and it was the WORST fireworks show I ever had.  Watched from miles away...I could see tiny bursts of red and white in the sky and that was about it.

Lets just say that every day of our marriage since has been better than that day...and yes, I can laugh about it now...a little.

So, back to our magnificent they are in all their glory!

And dear little Bella...she tried so hard to watch the one manages to sleep during fireworks is beyond me...I love this little clip. 

So, another 4th of July here and gone.  This one was spent with family that I love.  I truly am thankful for the beautiful country I call "home."

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