There is a reason...

There is a reason why Switzerland is considered one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  While on vacation we drove through Switzerland to get back to Germany.  The scenery was amazing...we simply could not get enough of it.

You may not be fully impressed with the photography.  I'm ok with that.  I've had my moment of acceptance that photography taken from a moving vehicle is not always going to capture the full "essence" of what you want, but that just makes these photos even MORE amazing to know you are getting really shoddy photos and yet still the view is breathtaking.

Like this mountain.  In the middle was a giant glacier.  I wish you could see it better, but you'll just have to take my word for it.

Oh you don't...

And once you got to the other side you could see the full extent of that glacier and the "change" it had caused on that mountainside.   It reminded me of a trip many years back when I went with my sister Sarah and my dad into an actual glacier high up on a Swiss Mountian...googling back soon...

Dang...couldn't find it, but I remember it had this rickity bridge you walked over to get into the ice cave and then it was just this pristine almost neon blue color...absolutely amazing.

And here we have one of many "natural bridges" we drove through, under, over and around...

And after getting below this little tunnel look what was on the other side!

And if that wasn't enough waterfall you should know that you can see one about every 100 feet or so as you drive through the alps...

The Swiss, like the Germans are very very careful about the beautification of their space, homes..even the freeway coming into their towns...

Which from further away look more like this...

The color of this water made my teeth chatter.  Glacier runoff...there is no color quite like it in the crayola pack...

We rounded a corner and saw this amazing lake.  I just love the lone sailboat...

And last, but not least...a glimpse of what we drove on...check out these hairpin turns.  Did I mention John gets carsick?  muwahahahahaha....

And, just for a least it was funny to a recently returned soldier from Afghanistan...we drove through this town and aren't they nice...a parking lot specifically for the Taliban.  :)

Until next time, lovely lovely Switzerland...

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