
I love to read.  And, I read fast.  So, when a novel catches my attention I like to speed read through it because its a great form of relaxation for me.  Well, as long as its not a book I actually have to think about.

Lately, I've been plowing through these novels by a British writer named Minette Walters.  I just happened upon one of her books one day at the library...  Normally I browse the fiction novels just looking for anything that jumps out at cover art or a title...

And she just happened to be sorted incorrectly so I plucked the book out to sort it where it needed to go ( I am a library volunteer and I love my library so I actually do things like that...saintly, I know.) ...anywho...the title jumped out at me so I took it home and now I can't put them down.

I've read four of her books in the past 3 weeks...staying up until way too late to get my reading fix in. 

These are murder mystery books - and not for the faint of heart.  Sometimes I wonder that I didn't pursue a career in criminal investigation, but the truth is I am way too much of a scaredy cat for that.  I'd end up in a situation where its dark and scary and I'd faint dead away.  I know I would.  Or, maybe I'm a lot tougher than I think, but I don't count on it...  Plus, I never guess correctly who the murderer is...I'd totally send innocent people to jail...

So instead I rely on writers like this Minette Walters to give me my fix.

The whole point to this longwinded story about my reading preferences was to tell you that I actually just read an entire novel in one  The girls played all day long with new toys and I read.  Read alllll day long.  Yup - me...reading. was simply maaaaahvelous.

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