Two little girls

It happened a little something like this...

I was outside practicing child labor when we discovered that our neighbors have returned!

I know...I know...its kind of sad when the most exciting thing that happens is when your neighbor returns from their trip... 

BUT...Bella was so excited to see her playmate again.  We decided to put away the shovel (don't worry - I made her finish it later...) and head out to the backyard to let them play in the snow...where they decided to make snow angels. 

And at the risk of sounding uber-sappy and totally lame I do have to say they really were angelic out there giggling as they flapped their arms and legs around...

The other highlight of playtime was the fact that there is just enough room between the back door and the screen door for two little girls to stand and giggle at...  errr.....  I have no idea what they were giggling about, but apparently whatever was going on in the below picture it was incredibly funny to them.

Oh to be TWO!

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