Happy Thanksgiving!

My cute little kids at storytime made the tailfeathers of this turkey.  Isn't it the cutest thing EVER?!  I just love it.  I'm sad that Thanksgiving is over and now I have to take it down...  Boo hoo. 

Anyhow...just a quick little blog on my Thanksgiving day.  It was....different.

Not bad...not fantastic...just different than any other Thanksgiving I've ever had.  Of course the biggest differences being that we had no family around to celebrate with.  And, if you don't already know...growing up we used Thanksgiving as the big Butler Family Reunion.  so we literally had 100+ people and more food than you knew what to do with.  I remember pies lined up for 15 feet and the biggest pile of mashed potatoes you could ever imagine...

The other big difference this year is that we were all missing our soldier boys.  I did hear from John that he had THREE platefuls of food for lunch then went back for more at dinner time and ended up in bed totally stuffed.  he he he.

So, on our very different little Thanksgiving day...We started the morning off great - the girls played and played until it was time to get dressed for our big Thanksgiving feast...

Bella would NOT let me help her get dressed.  "I do it mama!" are about the only words I hear from her mouth...so I let her do it and when she finally gets frustrated I get to help.  So, she's got a dress on around her waist and she's putting her legs into her sleeves.  It just makes me laugh.

We had planned our dinner with Miss Jennie -

And then we heard that a few others had nowhere to go and nobody to go with so they came along too!  Miss Ashli...

And Miss Jessica!

Then off to the DFAC (dining facility) where we had our Turkey dinner cafeteria style.  I was pleasantly surprised at how good the food actually was.  They had all kinds of meat, turkey, ham, roast...And all the fixins to go along with it.  Plus icecream and cakes and pies for dessert.  DELISH.  I had turkey, ham, potatoes, stuffing, corn, a roll and a little bit of eggnog.  YUMMY.  I was one STUFFED girl...

The one thing I didn't get was pumpkin pie...they ran out when we got there...but I figured they might so I bought the ingredients to make it myself here.  ha ha ha.

Last, but not least - Bella got ahold of that camera and took this great self portrait photo...It made me laugh so I had to post it...

And one of me too! (DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT look closely at my eyebrows.  :D)

When our meal was over we came home and the girls watched movies while I got in a turkey induced nap...ahhhhh.... 

So to all you turkeys out there...Happy Thanksgiving.  We love you!

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