Wiggly Waggly Puppy Party!

Be prepared....this is one of those monster blogs that just goes on and on and on forever with video and photos and nonstop blabbering from yours truly...

But, how else do you properly document a 2-year old's birthday party when you are just amazed that she's already TWO?

Originally I had planned on having a fingerpainting party for Bella's second birthday.  Then I came to my senses and realized what having multiple children and fingerpaint run wild would do to my home and my sanity. 

SO.....that plan quickly changed and instead we decided to do a PUPPY PARTY!  Bark Bark!

Bella loves puppies.  Adores them...so it was very appropriate.

I sent out cute invitations inviting all puppies to come wiggle and waggle their tails.  We invited the four 2-year olds that live on our street and a 2-year old friend from storytime.  Those little ones and their siblings made a total of 9 party guests.

Birthday morning and she woke up around 8:30...what a GREAT present for mama!  I actually got to sleep in a little!

I started with the cake...
And I have to tell you that I am immensely pleased with myself over this cake.  I found a picture on the internet and basically copied it, but I love how our yummy puppy turned out.  We made it out of lemon cake and frosting.  The muzzle and eye are tootsie roll and the tongue is a starburst (heated in microwave for just 5-10 seconds!)

I also made a "doggy door" for our playroom and called it the Puppy Playhouse.  The kids loved this.  They spent a lot of their time in that playroom. 

As decoration I bought $1 plastic dog bowls at our PX and used the big ones to serve snacks and the smaller partitioned ones went to each child to hold their capri sonne and their cupcake.  I made both cake and cupcake because there was one little boy who is allergic to certain foods so the cupcakes were all "safe" foods and the big cake the adults munched on.

We started the party off with all the kids in the puppy playhouse....they played in there for about 15 minutes while the parents all had a chance to just relax.  Then I started the games.  We played Pin the tail on the puppy and hungry puppy bean bag toss.  It was a lot of fun.  They wanted to each have about 10 turns for each game so we just played them over and over again.

I also attempted a barking contest, but that got out of hand reaaallly quick so I nipped that one immediately and moved straight into the birthday song and cake.

Yummy....cake cake cake!

And then fruit snacks on top of the cake...

And finally we got to presents.  She was very excited and did a great job ripping off the wrapping paper and looking inside the bags.  She was such a polite little birthday girl.  She gave everyone big hugs for their gifts and was very sweet and excited about everything she opened.

And then we attempted nap time.  Yeah right...did you hear me mention cake AND fruit snacks.  I laid her in bed and she wanted nothing to do with that.  About 40 minutes later I got her up and we let her open more presents.  These were the ones from us...mommy, daddy, Maddie and family.

She's running to see the presents that still need to be opened...

Maddie and Bella after just opening a gift.  The pull along puppy and Elmo camera that are behind them were two of her favorites.  She has played with both of them on and off all day.  Its so cute to watch her tugging that little puppy around saying, "C'mon puppy...c'mon."

And then we had cake...part deux...  I took another picture of her getting ready to blow out the candles and we sang happy birthday again...

And she's become a pro.  Who needs a fork when you can just stick your face in your cake.  ha ha ha.

Happy birthday Bella!  Bark! Bark!

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