I found the camera!

So, I found my camera.  Apparently the new place for a camera is on the windowsill tucked behind the curtains.  It was pure luck that I happened to walk in the door and the sun was shining just so that it made a shadow.

*note to self....keep camera away from Bella.

and without further ado...here are those cute pumpking carving photos...

The "must have" guts photo...

Bella couldn't really draw her own face, but she loved pulling the cut pieces from the pumpkin...

Final product...all she asked for was a "happy face."

Ahhhh...must always kiss the pumpkin...

Let the fingerpainting begin!

Maddie started painting before I ever got a shot of her final product pumpkin - three triangle eyes and a funky nose.  It was her own scary design...

And then I just couldn't pass up these Halloween day photos of the girls playing outside in the leaves....

Maddie does the raking....

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