The board considers that good governance is central to achieving the Group's governing objective of maximising shareholder value over time. That has been uppermost in directors' minds when applying the principles contained in the combined code on corporate governance issued by the Financial Reporting Council.
The group is led by a board comprising executive and non-executive directors with wide experience. The appointment of directors is considered by the board and, following the provisions in the articles of association, they must stand for election by the shareholders at the first annual general meeting following their appointment and must retire, and may stand for re-election by the shareholders, at least every three years. Independent non-executive directors are appointed for three-year renewable terms, which may, in accordance with the articles of association, be terminated without notice or payment of compensation.
The board meets at least nine times a year. It has a programme designed to enable the directors regularly to review corporate strategy and the operations and results of the businesses and discharge their duties within a framework of prudent and effective controls relating to the assessing and managing of risk.
The roles of the chairman, the group chief executive and the board and its governance arrangements, including the schedule of matters specifically reserved to the board for decision, are reviewed annually.
The board has delegated to management the power to make decisions on operational matters, including those relating to credit, liquidity and market risk, within an agreed framework.
All directors have access to the services of the company secretary, and independent professional advice is available to the directors at the Group's expense, where they judge it necessary to discharge their duties as directors.
The board evaluates its performance and that of its committees and individual directors with advice and assistance from Dr Tracy Long, Boardroom Review. Directors were invited to comment, through questionnaires and interviews, and the responses were reviewed and discussed by the board. Where areas were identified, action has been agreed.
The chairman's performance is evaluated by the non-executive directors, led by the senior independent director, taking account of the views of executive directors.
The remuneration committee reviews the performance of the chairman, the group chief executive and the other group executive directors, when considering their remuneration arrangements. The nomination committee reviews the structure, size and composition of the board, taking account of the skills, knowledge and experience of directors. Like all board committees, the nomination committee and remuneration committee report to the board on their deliberations.
The chairman has a private discussion at least once a year with every director on a wide range of issues affecting the Group, including any matters which the directors, individually, wish to raise.
There is an induction programme for all new directors, which is tailored to their specific requirements and includes visits to individual businesses and meetings with senior management. Additional training and updates on particular issues are arranged as appropriate.
Meetings with shareholdersIn order to develop an understanding of the views of major shareholders, the board receives regular reports from the group finance director and the director of investor relations.
The chairman, the group chief executive and the group finance director also have meetings with representatives of major shareholders and the senior independent director also attends some of these meetings. In addition, all directors are invited to attend investment analysts' and stockbrokers' briefings on the financial results.
All shareholders are encouraged to attend and participate in the Group's annual general meeting.
The group is led by a board comprising executive and non-executive directors with wide experience. The appointment of directors is considered by the board and, following the provisions in the articles of association, they must stand for election by the shareholders at the first annual general meeting following their appointment and must retire, and may stand for re-election by the shareholders, at least every three years. Independent non-executive directors are appointed for three-year renewable terms, which may, in accordance with the articles of association, be terminated without notice or payment of compensation.
The board meets at least nine times a year. It has a programme designed to enable the directors regularly to review corporate strategy and the operations and results of the businesses and discharge their duties within a framework of prudent and effective controls relating to the assessing and managing of risk.
The roles of the chairman, the group chief executive and the board and its governance arrangements, including the schedule of matters specifically reserved to the board for decision, are reviewed annually.
The board has delegated to management the power to make decisions on operational matters, including those relating to credit, liquidity and market risk, within an agreed framework.
All directors have access to the services of the company secretary, and independent professional advice is available to the directors at the Group's expense, where they judge it necessary to discharge their duties as directors.
The board evaluates its performance and that of its committees and individual directors with advice and assistance from Dr Tracy Long, Boardroom Review. Directors were invited to comment, through questionnaires and interviews, and the responses were reviewed and discussed by the board. Where areas were identified, action has been agreed.
The chairman's performance is evaluated by the non-executive directors, led by the senior independent director, taking account of the views of executive directors.
The remuneration committee reviews the performance of the chairman, the group chief executive and the other group executive directors, when considering their remuneration arrangements. The nomination committee reviews the structure, size and composition of the board, taking account of the skills, knowledge and experience of directors. Like all board committees, the nomination committee and remuneration committee report to the board on their deliberations.
The chairman has a private discussion at least once a year with every director on a wide range of issues affecting the Group, including any matters which the directors, individually, wish to raise.
There is an induction programme for all new directors, which is tailored to their specific requirements and includes visits to individual businesses and meetings with senior management. Additional training and updates on particular issues are arranged as appropriate.
Meetings with shareholdersIn order to develop an understanding of the views of major shareholders, the board receives regular reports from the group finance director and the director of investor relations.
The chairman, the group chief executive and the group finance director also have meetings with representatives of major shareholders and the senior independent director also attends some of these meetings. In addition, all directors are invited to attend investment analysts' and stockbrokers' briefings on the financial results.
All shareholders are encouraged to attend and participate in the Group's annual general meeting.
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