Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is a very large subject. I’m not a guru and I never met anyone who knew it all.
Something important to remember is that the market is always changing. To be successful you must be prepared to constantly test and try new ideas. Never take anything for granted and always look for improvement.
The purpose of the internet marketing 4p section is to provide you with a framework around which to build your online marketing plan.
Internet Marketing has similar principles, just a different delivery, to the bricks and mortar world.
One thing is very clear. Unless you proactively promote yourself and your product, your business will die.
OK. lets think this through. You have something you want to sell on the Internet. How should you go about it ?
There is an old formula with which to put a framework around your thinking. Its called the 4P’s. Here is a summary:

  • Make sure that your product is something that is useful to your intended customers.
  • Does it solve a problem or make their life better in some way?
  • Make sure the product actually does what it says it does (ideally you should buy it and use it yourself)
  • Check the quality, does it work ALL the time?
  • Is it packaged so that its easy for you to sell and deliver to your customer.
  • Is the brand recognized or is it associated with a recognizable brand ?
  • Is your brand consistent with your product ?
  • What about after sales service and follow-up
  • Is that guarantee really a guarantee ?
  • How is the product priced compared to the competition
  • Are customers prepared to buy at this price
  • How much commission is built into the price and do you want to lower the price by rebating some of the commission. You might rebate the upfront to get the ongoing commission.
  • Price is interesting, sometimes higher pricing has a positive effect on sales, it always pays to experiment.
  • How will you deliver the product to the customer. Will you drop-ship, email, have it available for download, deliver as a series through an auto-responder ?
  • What channels will you use for promotion. Will it best sell via:
    Your mailing list
    Your Ezine
    Article Writing for other peoples Ezine
    Downlines in the programs you belong to
    A Safelist
    Pay Per Click advertisingPay To Read
    Traffic exchanges
    Viral marketing
    Your website
    Your Blog
    Your Ebook
    Your IM List
  • When team with other people to help you sell, what is in it for them?
  • What is the best methods of communicating with your customers by this I mean words, pictures, movie, splash page
  • Will you make your own collateral or use the company supplied material.

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